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29 Mar 2013

Open_Form, Call_Form and New_Form

Multiple Forms can be invoked in an application through three built-in:

1)      OPEN_FORM
2)      CALL_FORM
3)      NEW_FORM


OPEN_FORM opens another form in a modeless window. The user can work on Multiple forms concurrently. The user can navigate within multiple forms.
With the OPEN_FORM the user can call another form in a different database session.
Syntax: OPEN_FORM (‘form_name’, active_mode, session_mode, data_mode, paramlist);   Default:   activate and no session mode.
OPEN_FORM is a restricted procedure and cannot be called in the Enter-Query mode.


CALL_FORM calls another form in a Modal window. The user cannot navigate within different Forms. Requires to exit the called form before navigating back to the calling form. Forms are called in the same session.


NEW_FORM exits the current form and opens the new form as a parent window.
NEW_FORM releases the memory by exiting the current form.

Benefits of Multiple form Applications are:

Easier to debug small form.
Flexibility between forms.
Easy to maintain.
Data can be exchanged between forms.

LOV (List Of Values)

LOV (List of Values):
An LOV is a scrollable popup window with either single or multi-column selection list.

Types of LOV:
Static LOV: Contains the predetermined values.
Dynamic LOV: Contains values that come at runtime.

LOV for Validation property of an item:
When LOV for validation is set to true, Oracle forms compares the current value of the text item to the values in the first column displayed in the LOV whenever the validation event occurs. If the value in the text item matches one of the values in the first column of LOV, validation succeeds, the LOV is not displayed and the processing continues normally. If the value in the text item does not match one of the values in the first column of the LOV, Oracle forms displays the LOV and uses the text item value as the search criteria to automatically reduce the list.

Built-in used to display the LOV are:
SHOW_LOV (Function)
LIST_VALUES (Procedure)

Built-in that are used for setting the LOV properties:

28 Mar 2013

Getting Random Rows from Oracle Table Using DBMS_RANDOM

To fetch random rows from Oracle table use DBMS_RANDOM.

SELECT column FROM( SELECT column FROM table ORDER BY dbms_random.value ) WHERE rownum <= 10

27 Mar 2013

INFOSYS Interview Process for Experienced Professionals

Aspiring candidate’s can apply for Infosys recruitment by directly login to Infosys careers website:
Infosys recruitment team will scan your resume uploaded on the portal as per the current requirement. If the requirement meets your skills set then you will get a call from Infosys for face to face interview.
During Face to Face Interview Infosys conduct only two rounds.
Round1: Technical Round (30-40 minutes). Panel of two at the max will be taking the Technical Interview. This is the main round. Be prepared for this round. Questions will be asked from your resume only. Questions that are been asked is related to technical questions, projects related questions and about your role and responsibilities in current organization etc.
Round2: HR Round. You will be called for the round only if you qualified the Technical round. This is just the simple round i.e. Salary negotiation, Location preferred and notice period etc is discussed in this round.

Be sure that you must be well prepared if you are going to give the interview for Infosys because once you failed to clear the interview you will not get the second chance for another 9 months.

Barclays Capital Technology Analyst Interview Process

Barclays Capital conducts 4-6 rounds for experienced professionals for Technology Analyst position

Round1: Online test consisting of 40 questions of multi-choice answer. Total duration to complete the test is one hour. Try to answer 2 choices out of 4 or 5 choices.

Round2: Technical Round of 30 minutes. All the questions will be related to your skill sets. Try to give straight-forward answers. (Not too difficult)

Round3: Managerial Round (Stakeholder Round) of 30-45 minutes. General questioning related to your job profile, your roles and responsibilities, your hobbies, Strength and weaknesses have been asked. Main focus and aim of this round is to check your communication skills, your confidence level and way you respond the answers.

Round4: Technical Round of 30 minutes again. Some more questions related to the Skills set/Projects you shown in your resume are asked.

Round5: Process Manager’s/Stakeholder Round. More focus is on the way you implement the projects. The challenges you faced for your current projects. Your’s current role and responsibilities in the organization etc. (Be very confident answering the questions because this is very critical round).

Round6: HR Round. Just the normal round means the salary expectations, notice period etc things are discussed here. Be prepared for this round too.

Page Break vs Page Protect

Page Break Before:

The Page Break Before property indicates that you want the object to be formatted on the page after the page on which it is initially triggered to print.  Note that this does not necessarily mean that all the objects below the object with Page Break Before will move to the next page.
Suppose that you want each instance of a repeating frame to be on a logical page by itself.  First, set Maximum Records Per Page to 1 for the repeating frame so that only one instance appears on each logical page.  Then, specify Page Break Before and Page Break After, to make sure that the first instance of the repeating frame starts on a new logical page.

Page Break After

The Page Break After property indicates that you want all children of the object to be moved to the next page.  In other words, any object that is a child object of an anchor (implicit or explicit) to this object will be treated as if it has Page Break Before set to Yes.  Note that this does not necessarily mean that all the objects below the object with Page Break After will move to the next page.
Suppose that you want each instance of a repeating frame to be on a logical page by itself.  First, set Maximum Records Per Page to 1 for the repeating frame so that only one instance appears on each logical page.  Then, specify Page Break Before and Page Break After, to make sure that the first instance of the repeating frame starts on a new logical page.

Page Protect:

The Page Protect property indicates whether to try to keep the entire object and its contents on the same logical page.  Setting Page Protect to Yes means that if the contents of the object cannot fit on the current logical page, the object and all of its contents will be moved to the next logical page.
Suppose that you have a group report.  If at all possible, you would like to have all of the details and the master appearing on the same page.  To do this, you specify Page Protect for the master repeating frame (the outermost repeating frame).  If the details and the master cannot fit on the first page on which they are triggered to print, they will be triggered to print on the next page instead.

Lexical Parameter

Lexical Parameters:
Lexical Parameters performs dynamic SQL query.
Use to change the data definition at runtime.
Use Lexical references to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, HAVING, CONNECT BY, and START WITH.
Denoted by ‘&’.
You cannot make lexical references in a PL/SQL statement. However, use a bind Reference in PL/SQL to set the value of a parameter that is then referenced lexically in SQL.
Code is written in AFTER PARAMETER FORM Trigger.

     Select * from emp where dept_id=10 &status-----lexical parameter

    Function AfterPForm return Boolean is
    IF :status=’ALL’ Then
    :status:=’AND (STATUS IN (“P”,”N”) OR STATUS IS NULL)’;
    ELSIF :status=’P’ Then
    :status:=’AND STATUS=”P” ‘;
    END IF;